2015 EiDA Nominee – Oxfam


Oxfam is a globally renowned aid and development charity working and campaigning with partners in over 90 countries worldwide. With over 70 years experience, Oxfam GB is a champion of equal opportunities in all of their work, internally and externally. Their international development work and crisis response always seeks to equally distribute resources and ensure all genders, ethnicities, age groups, cultures and sexualities have their voices heard. Their community projects excel in creating lasting change through initiatives such as health promotion, agriculture support and WASH initiatives. Impact is astonishing; internationally, 4.3 million people have been reached by health promotion activities, 700,000 have benefitted from agricultural support and 2.6 million from improved sanitation facilities. The outcome of such work aids many minorities worldwide with a variety of different issues – therefore, ensuring a strong diversity pedigree, which has been earned through Oxfam’s desire to include those who need help most.

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